Crooked House

A country life in France

In, not out

Dinner last night does not appear to have ruined the Crooked Man and he is back at his DIY work today, doing the topcoat. I wanted him to take the day off but he’s thinking about being liberated tomorrow. Lockdown finishes tonight and we can go places. But only if the painting is completed first. We ate in last night. In as “at home” because there is currently no choice (no room at the inn,Continue readingIn, not out

A change is as good

It’s May Day, aka International Workers Day, and workers are supposed to be resting but the Crooked Man is beavering away in the back room. He is applying undercoat whilst in his boxers. I have his other clothes in the washing machine due to a wee contretemps with the paint tray. I have been up for a look-see and it’s going to be fabulous in there. It looks 200% better already. Tonight I shall cookContinue readingA change is as good