Crooked House

A country life in France

About time too

My copy birth certificate has finally arrived. A trip to the CPAM in Poitiers is now in order. I should have my Carte Vitale in a few weeks now. Just as well, as Mr L  needs mine to be processed before he is allowed to have his. A trip to the doctor last night cost him 25€ and a month’s medication was just over 49€. This would be refundable (70% of the GP and allContinue readingAbout time too

Grand Frais

A trip to the CPAM office in Poitiers brought about mixed results. Poitiers is the administrative centre for the Vienne and the centre was obviously very busy, far busier than the satellite in Montmorillon. We stood in the queue with sinking hearts and a recognition that a rendezvous was going to be needed… but it wasn’t. Once we had been directed to the correct queue a receptionist gave us a number, just like in Argos,Continue readingGrand Frais