Crooked House

A country life in France

In, not out

Dinner last night does not appear to have ruined the Crooked Man and he is back at his DIY work today, doing the topcoat. I wanted him to take the day off but he’s thinking about being liberated tomorrow. Lockdown finishes tonight and we can go places. But only if the painting is completed first. We ate in last night. In as “at home” because there is currently no choice (no room at the inn,Continue readingIn, not out

Forward Progress

When last we looked, the back bedroom was just about emptied. Not a great deal happened yesterday as we returned to the Brico but after a marathon shopping trip, the last of the Millennium Falcon was broken up and stored – well, just about, we need to buy a second set of drawers to get it all fitted in. Today I took the dog out for a long (slow, anyway) walk and returned two findContinue readingForward Progress

Home Comforts

Today is a day for seeking comforts: a blazing log fire, favourite old clothes, a good book, a hearty homemade soup… Unfortunately we have run out of carb-loaded goodies for having with hot chocolate. We have no drinking chocolate either, but I can make a Keto version with cocoa powder. Is it too early in the day to be adding rum to it? Although it is several degrees warmer than yesterday it feels so muchContinue readingHome Comforts


The weather was vile on Thursday but that did not stop us from jumping in the car and going looking for some of the locally-produced gin. By “local” I don’t mean in the next village but it is a Limousin product. The Limousin is a large area. We needed a run of about an hour’s duration to get to the first stockist that was likely to have the flavour that we were seeking. In theContinue readingBrr!


We had an impromptu trip to Limoges today. It was good to be out and about again at last. We remain confined for the next few days, not because of any Lockdown, but because of impending deliveries and so a Sunday Escape was just what was needed. The Crooked Man was trying to buy something online and complaining that it would not be delivered until the 29th of this month, when he spotted that weContinue readingNon!

In a pickle

Shops are now open to sell anything on their shelves and we are no longer restricted to purchasing whatever some government official has deemed to be “essential”. We popped out to The Shed yesterday as I needed some parcel tape to package up some things that I need to be posting off. We had to hunt, it wasn’t in the Stationery section, but we eventually found it in the DIY area. It’s not of greatContinue readingIn a pickle

Here, there, everywhere – and nowhere at all

Where do all these yawning gaps come from? Aha – this time I have the answer – I have been busy updating Scattered Thoughts! After a couple of very long posts, time and energy were lacking for coming here to write and as little else had happened other than a shopping delivery or two, it seemed unimportant.Also spending far too much time at Facebook, which I am trying to give up but it keeps onContinue readingHere, there, everywhere – and nowhere at all

A void

Really wanting to get this diary thing going but another day passed with nothing written. Not much happening. I washed towels and got them out on the line. They didn’t dry well due to a drop in air temperature. We lit the fire. I cooked. Trying hard to return to low carb eating, so we had a healthy but tasty meal. I roasted cod wrapped in prosciutto, served on a tomato and pepper sauce andContinue readingA void

Lidl Lidl Yum

I was saying, if you recall, that we have renewed our Date Night activities because that really helped me to get through Lockdown v1.0. … Continue readingLidl Lidl Yum

A Streak of Blue

This morning, Nell and I took our first lengthy walk in what feels like forever. It must be almost three months since she last visited her frog pond, which is now simply a patch of mud. It was cloudy this morning and feeling cool, though apparently up to 24 degrees today. A measure of how hot it has been recently when today felt cool and refreshing by comparison. Nell did quite well but I noticedContinue readingA Streak of Blue