Crooked House

A country life in France

Keeping Busy

Almost fell at the first hurdle today. It has been a very busy one, leaving little time to visit the blog.

The day has been spent between laundry and kitchen. It was too good a day not to catch up on the post-trip washing, so I tackled that in between the necessary task of checking food stores and meal planning.

We shopped on Thursday, on our way home from our final stop at Capdenac. I had no plan other than to seize some protein and as much fresh veg as we could carry. The idea being to try and last two or even three weeks without sending the Crooked Man out to do my shopping for me. In order to effect this I knew that I had to cook everything whilst still fresh, so as to waste nothing.

I hope to fill the freezer with tasty and nutritious meals that we can eat our way through as lockdown progresses. If I cook up too much then we shall have ready meals to take with us just as soon as we are allowed out on the road again.

Seems like a plan.

I rose today with an extensive list of things to be done, of which I have not achieved many items. There will be further cooking tomorrow.

Prepping Leek and Potato Soup

Today I made a large pan of Leek and Potato soup, which should break down into three two-person meals. Then I became distracted by preparing our Date Night meal…

Oranges in Caramel, marinating nicely…

Yes, now that we are once more locked down, it is time to add that weekly highlight back in! It really helped last time, to have something to look forward to each week, something to plan for, and to enjoy.

I have made the dessert and prepped the main course; the meat is in the oven. There is little left to do but to shower, change, light our new oil lamp and pour out the sherry.

Something more thoughtful for the diary tomorrow, maybe.

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