Crooked House

A country life in France

Lost and Bo(a)red

Still not locked down but it cannot be long in coming now. The planned reopening of Restaurants etc. has been set back from 20th January until “at least” mid-February. There will be a further Press Briefing this evening. After a protracted spell of cold weather, which became so cold that Dusty appropriated my chair, with its hand-knit Colinette throw, instead of his own – and I had to find elsewhere to sit… I now haveContinue readingLost and Bo(a)red

Home Comforts

Today is a day for seeking comforts: a blazing log fire, favourite old clothes, a good book, a hearty homemade soup… Unfortunately we have run out of carb-loaded goodies for having with hot chocolate. We have no drinking chocolate either, but I can make a Keto version with cocoa powder. Is it too early in the day to be adding rum to it? Although it is several degrees warmer than yesterday it feels so muchContinue readingHome Comforts

December Reflections 4: Red

Nature is red in tooth and claw and nobody knows this better than a person that shares their life with cats… At 4 am today there was a thud, followed closely by another thud, and another. It sounded curiously like a rather fat cat pouncing on something. “Has Dusty brought some prey in?” The Crooked Man went to investigate. Dusty had indeed brought some prey in and when he saw his dad, he let goContinue readingDecember Reflections 4: Red

Here, there, everywhere – and nowhere at all

Where do all these yawning gaps come from? Aha – this time I have the answer – I have been busy updating Scattered Thoughts! After a couple of very long posts, time and energy were lacking for coming here to write and as little else had happened other than a shopping delivery or two, it seemed unimportant.Also spending far too much time at Facebook, which I am trying to give up but it keeps onContinue readingHere, there, everywhere – and nowhere at all

A Month in France: Time for a change

We ate “Date Night” dinner outside last night and Dusty (who hadn’t been seen in the previous 24 hours) came to join us. He obligingly posed on the wall… … Continue readingA Month in France: Time for a change

Hot, hot, hot

I really am a poor blogger these days, aren’t I? Sorry. The notion that I would keep a Nature Diary here soon fell by the wayside. A pity, that. Perhaps I will try again next year, The thing is, we packed ourselves up and wandered off in the van again and when we came back we were, for various reasons, at a low ebb. Energy has been lacking and especially the mental variety. I amContinue readingHot, hot, hot

Rapidly moving on…

I said in my last post that (amongst others) one of the things that I needed to add to the house was a living room rug. Tick that one. I gave much consideration to the rug; whether to buy something that I really love or something cheap and cheerful to make-do with. Make-do won. So long as we have a muddy Border Collie coming and going, it makes little sense to buy something precious. SheContinue readingRapidly moving on…

Another Anniversary

Oh, dear, I do not do well with these resolutions to keep matters up to date, do I? When last I wrote here, it was a year since we first viewed the property – and made the immediate decision to commit to buying. Today presents another 1 year Anniversary, as it is 12 months since we actually took possession of the keys and moved in. Initially we only rented but we do tend to countContinue readingAnother Anniversary

A protracted absence

Things have been awkward on the blogging front. We were hacked and that took some sorting out and kind of took the heart out of it somehow. Then we went away for some weeks and whilst we were away the server picked up a nasty malware infection that took many hours of work and remains inĀ  an unwholesome state. At many points we were on the verge of taking down the server completely and soContinue readingA protracted absence

A Gift for Dusty

As Cat was in the house when Mr L returned from walking the dog, he boxed her up and headed off to the vet to make an appointment but in the hope that they might just fit her in. They couldn’t, so he was soon home again and she is due for her rendezvous on Monday morning. Cat will be needing a name for her passport. We have decided on Fifi as Mr L willContinue readingA Gift for Dusty