Crooked House

A country life in France

In, not out

Dinner last night does not appear to have ruined the Crooked Man and he is back at his DIY work today, doing the topcoat. I wanted him to take the day off but he’s thinking about being liberated tomorrow. Lockdown finishes tonight and we can go places. But only if the painting is completed first. We ate in last night. In as “at home” because there is currently no choice (no room at the inn,Continue readingIn, not out

A change is as good

It’s May Day, aka International Workers Day, and workers are supposed to be resting but the Crooked Man is beavering away in the back room. He is applying undercoat whilst in his boxers. I have his other clothes in the washing machine due to a wee contretemps with the paint tray. I have been up for a look-see and it’s going to be fabulous in there. It looks 200% better already. Tonight I shall cookContinue readingA change is as good

Turning a corner

We have been away on a couple of trips in the van, so that partly explains radio silence around here. Either side of trips away there has been packing and unpacking, both of which are lengthy and time-consuming rituals requiring domestic drudgery and really not worth talking about. The other explanation is a growing list of Draft status posts that I found time to write but somehow never got posted… …but I am back, albeitContinue readingTurning a corner

Turn of the Year Vacuum

This hiatus always annoys me. Can we please get the 6th over and done with and then return to normal? We have been out and about, mainly doing bottle bank duty and then making the most of being out of the house by calling in at the supermarket. Learning Point 1: Shopping on 2nd January is largely a waste of time. Learning Point 2: Shopping on the 4th January is largely a waste of timeContinue readingTurn of the Year Vacuum

Home Comforts

Today is a day for seeking comforts: a blazing log fire, favourite old clothes, a good book, a hearty homemade soup… Unfortunately we have run out of carb-loaded goodies for having with hot chocolate. We have no drinking chocolate either, but I can make a Keto version with cocoa powder. Is it too early in the day to be adding rum to it? Although it is several degrees warmer than yesterday it feels so muchContinue readingHome Comforts


The weather was vile on Thursday but that did not stop us from jumping in the car and going looking for some of the locally-produced gin. By “local” I don’t mean in the next village but it is a Limousin product. The Limousin is a large area. We needed a run of about an hour’s duration to get to the first stockist that was likely to have the flavour that we were seeking. In theContinue readingBrr!

December Reflections 1: Star

Taking part in Susannah Conway’s series of December Reflections prompts. Mainly my responses will be in my other blog, Scattered Thoughts, but sometimes they will fit better here. On other days, such as today, we may fit in a post in both blogs. … Continue readingDecember Reflections 1: Star

Feeling a bit seedy

Nell and I went for a walk this morning. It was a gorgeous day but we ended up by not going very far. The Crooked Man had gone out and I was expecting a parcel delivery. Plus, I was finding it hard going. Not feeling on top of my game right now. Possibly a touch of “Keto Flu”? I’d like to think so, but honestly haven’t been working hard enough at it to have gotContinue readingFeeling a bit seedy

Keeping Busy

Almost fell at the first hurdle today. It has been a very busy one, leaving little time to visit the blog. The day has been spent between laundry and kitchen. It was too good a day not to catch up on the post-trip washing, so I tackled that in between the necessary task of checking food stores and meal planning. We shopped on Thursday, on our way home from our final stop at Capdenac. IContinue readingKeeping Busy

A Month in France: Nothing is Lost

I am lagging on the Month in the Country prompts, and lagging badly at that. I have a list of prompts t be caught up on and I shall be working my way through them here, or at Scattered Thoughts depending on where the post most naturally sits. I have elected to tackle the prompts not in date order necessarily but to seize upon prompts that offer me space in which to write down the things that I am feeling the need to say. Even if I need to crowbar it in. The thing is, I am going to continue to be short of time and space in which to write and so a two-for-one is useful and I hope to do as many of those as I can. Seems like a plan? … Continue readingA Month in France: Nothing is Lost