Crooked House

A country life in France

Determinedly Cheering Myself Up

Week five of lockdown v2.0 begins today. We have new rules, slightly more relaxed but with the addition of a nightly curfew (from 15th December.) Does that then make this Lockdown v2.1? I think that it probably does! … Continue readingDeterminedly Cheering Myself Up

Feeling a bit seedy

Nell and I went for a walk this morning. It was a gorgeous day but we ended up by not going very far. The Crooked Man had gone out and I was expecting a parcel delivery. Plus, I was finding it hard going. Not feeling on top of my game right now. Possibly a touch of “Keto Flu”? I’d like to think so, but honestly haven’t been working hard enough at it to have gotContinue readingFeeling a bit seedy

Here, there, everywhere – and nowhere at all

Where do all these yawning gaps come from? Aha – this time I have the answer – I have been busy updating Scattered Thoughts! After a couple of very long posts, time and energy were lacking for coming here to write and as little else had happened other than a shopping delivery or two, it seemed unimportant.Also spending far too much time at Facebook, which I am trying to give up but it keeps onContinue readingHere, there, everywhere – and nowhere at all

The Cold Light of Day

Nell’s excessive drinking and urination have ramped up considerably. Hence I was outside at a little past 2 am this morning, by which time the car was already covered in a sparkling frost. On the 6 am toilet run, the world was looking fairly well white all over (as viewed through the window from my bed, that is). When we first came house-hunting around here there was snow on the ground (apparently a once inContinue readingThe Cold Light of Day

A void

Really wanting to get this diary thing going but another day passed with nothing written. Not much happening. I washed towels and got them out on the line. They didn’t dry well due to a drop in air temperature. We lit the fire. I cooked. Trying hard to return to low carb eating, so we had a healthy but tasty meal. I roasted cod wrapped in prosciutto, served on a tomato and pepper sauce andContinue readingA void

To summarise…

Currently in the third week of Lockdown v2.0, with week four commencing at midnight on this coming Thursday. Today is Day 20 and I am missing a few posts! We haven’t been doing a great deal – hence, I suppose the lack of diary postings. What has there been to note? “not much,” I thought, but in fact some fairly important/momentous stuff has been happening. We have applied for our new Cartes de Sejour, requiredContinue readingTo summarise…

Lidl Lidl Yum

I was saying, if you recall, that we have renewed our Date Night activities because that really helped me to get through Lockdown v1.0. … Continue readingLidl Lidl Yum