Crooked House

A country life in France

A bit of a facelift

Art is, I believe, essential to the Spirit. It provides a solace and a peace, if chosen carefully. It can reinforce memories. It need not be expensive, … Continue readingA bit of a facelift

Hot, hot, hot

I really am a poor blogger these days, aren’t I? Sorry. The notion that I would keep a Nature Diary here soon fell by the wayside. A pity, that. Perhaps I will try again next year, The thing is, we packed ourselves up and wandered off in the van again and when we came back we were, for various reasons, at a low ebb. Energy has been lacking and especially the mental variety. I amContinue readingHot, hot, hot


Having chosen to live in France, I try hard to live French. I really do not want to be that Brit – the one that moans how they can’t get such-and such in France or that some-other from the UK is better… Certainly, in my humble Brit opinion, there is so much here that is better than back in Blighty. Bread and butter for one two things, for instance. However, I do have a beef:Continue readingB-B-B-B-B-Bovril

Rapidly moving on…

I said in my last post that (amongst others) one of the things that I needed to add to the house was a living room rug. Tick that one. I gave much consideration to the rug; whether to buy something that I really love or something cheap and cheerful to make-do with. Make-do won. So long as we have a muddy Border Collie coming and going, it makes little sense to buy something precious. SheContinue readingRapidly moving on…

Another Anniversary

Oh, dear, I do not do well with these resolutions to keep matters up to date, do I? When last I wrote here, it was a year since we first viewed the property – and made the immediate decision to commit to buying. Today presents another 1 year Anniversary, as it is 12 months since we actually took possession of the keys and moved in. Initially we only rented but we do tend to countContinue readingAnother Anniversary

Proper cooking

Since we moved into the Crooked House in mid-April, the hot weather has been relentless. We have lived mainly on salads and bread and cheese. Attempts to use the cooker have resulted in failed dishes (it’s a really rubbish oven!) or an overheated kitchen and a very hot and cross cook. It feels like a very long time since I have done any serious cooking. The weather is cooler now and we are more acclimatedContinue readingProper cooking

A little rubbish and a lot of walk

In common with much of France, Maison Celle does not have the luxury of a household rubbish collection. We have communal bins in the centre of the village, to which we walk our Poubelles in black bags and also our recycling bags. Glass is not permitted in the clear recycling bags and must be taken to a glass recycling point, the closest of which is in the centre of Saint-Rémy. A wide variety of itemsContinue readingA little rubbish and a lot of walk

Just a bit agley

Thursday has not gone to plan and we did not go to Poitiers. For some little while now, Mr L has been fuming at the car which was frequently telling us that a tyre needs air.  This morning he found out why, there was a screw embedded in it. Unfortunately our car does not come with a spare tyre, so he had to take it into Norauto in Montmorillon. Norauto were ace and fixed itContinue readingJust a bit agley

Renamed (again)

Cat is not Fifi. We both looked at her and agreed that she is no Fifi. Her name on her passport will be Chloé. She does look like a Chloé, we think. We have promised Chloé that we will not change her name/our minds again.

A Gift for Dusty

As Cat was in the house when Mr L returned from walking the dog, he boxed her up and headed off to the vet to make an appointment but in the hope that they might just fit her in. They couldn’t, so he was soon home again and she is due for her rendezvous on Monday morning. Cat will be needing a name for her passport. We have decided on Fifi as Mr L willContinue readingA Gift for Dusty