Crooked House

A country life in France

One Month Later…

It is difficult to believe that tomorrow we enter our fifth week of physical distancing (aka Lockdown). The time is passing so quickly and evidence of this would seem to be the fact that I never found the time to sit down during this past week to write the words “we are in our fourth week“. M. Macron speaks to the nation this evening and it is widely expected that he will be increasing ourContinue readingOne Month Later…

A Spring Wedding

Day four of the lockdown and it is entirely possible that I am going slightly bonkers but I have a little tale to tell you. Whilst practising my social distancing – out with Nell and my camera, I found myself among the hub and bub of a Spring Wedding. How come? You might well ask. Well, here’s what happened… I was admiring the Blackthorn bushes and thinking that how, when they are burdened with blossom,Continue readingA Spring Wedding

Feeling at ease

Day 3 of the lockdown is both warm and sunny. The last of my post-holiday laundry was out on the line before I walked the dog and was taken in when we returned. We have no fire lit again and all of the doors and windows are open to admit the warm air. It is so pleasant to be able to do this with no traffic passing by! I walked through a carpet of yellowContinue readingFeeling at ease

Lovely Weather for Ducks

It was tipping down this morning and had been doing so all night. Our Google Assistant tells us that it is going to rain until 10pm tonight, making that a good 24 hours continuous downpour. She says it will start again at 7am tomorrow and continue all day. This is setting the scene for my saying that I really did not feel like going walkies today! I made myself go on the grounds that freshContinue readingLovely Weather for Ducks

Give us a break

The ditches are full to the brim and there is standing water on the fields. We have had rain, not exactly in biblical quantities but more or less persistently (with the occasional sunny break) for days and there is more coming. It is grey and some might think it dismal (certainly the Iberian sunshine feels like it was a long time ago and my tan is beginning to fade) but I see the lambs andContinue readingGive us a break


I start this post with a sigh. Quite some time ago I mentioned here that I should like to start making some Nature Diary entries. We returned home yesterday after over three months away, the sun was shining and things were growing. Now is the time, I thought to myself. Nell and I went for our morning dog walk and I picked up my camera bag. When I came to use the camera I foundContinue readingNaturally…

It has been bugging me

Come for a nature walk in the French countryside with me and Nell – I apologise for the image-intensive post. … Continue readingIt has been bugging me


Roz’s Journal prompt for today is a toughie but only because I have been out, returned home and only just seen it. I shall address part of it now and return and update it after following the instructions to go out and hunt. Journal prompt – did you ‘collect’ wildlife when you were young? Minnows in jamjars? Conkers and pebbles for the school ‘Nature Table’? Tell me about it…then go out and capture Five WildContinue readingCollectabowl

Another Anniversary

Oh, dear, I do not do well with these resolutions to keep matters up to date, do I? When last I wrote here, it was a year since we first viewed the property – and made the immediate decision to commit to buying. Today presents another 1 year Anniversary, as it is 12 months since we actually took possession of the keys and moved in. Initially we only rented but we do tend to countContinue readingAnother Anniversary

What a difference a year makes

If you have been wondering where we have been, we have been away chasing the winter sun. We have been on tour, with the cats, on the Iberian Peninsula. Notes will be forthcoming at Two Snails just as soon as I can remember my login details… We returned home last weekend, just one year exactly after first seeing our little Crooked House. I am happy to report that the weather this year is many timesContinue readingWhat a difference a year makes