Crooked House

A country life in France

Stuff that kept us busy for a while

There were other constructions but they don’t appear to have made it onto my camera card so are not currently available f or inclusion. Together with the daily dog walk (health permitting) and a deal of sun bathing, it all helped to pass the time and our 8 weeks were up almost before they seemed to have started. The Date Night thing was excellent. It helped to pass the time in planning, prepping and cooking.Continue readingStuff that kept us busy for a while

What to do?

How does a body keep a blog alive and interesting when that same body is allowed out for just one hour a day and no further than 1 Kilometre from home? I have no answer to that question, I just pose it here to consider and to return to. If only I had a proper garden. If only the garden centres were not closed as non-essential business, I might be spending this down time inContinue readingWhat to do?


How do I choose? There is so very much that I could be doing. I am suffering from Opportunity Paralysis! … Continue readingComforting

Feeling at ease

Day 3 of the lockdown is both warm and sunny. The last of my post-holiday laundry was out on the line before I walked the dog and was taken in when we returned. We have no fire lit again and all of the doors and windows are open to admit the warm air. It is so pleasant to be able to do this with no traffic passing by! I walked through a carpet of yellowContinue readingFeeling at ease

Full of Beans

My friend, Roz Cawley, hosts a most interesting and well-written blog – and has done so for a very long time. She has a worldwide following from many lovely and interesting readers. Each August, Roz makes daily posts under the heading of A Month in the Country, where you may join her at her wonderful and ancient Autumn Cottage to read about her life there and possibly comment or return to your own little cornerContinue readingFull of Beans

Rapidly moving on…

I said in my last post that (amongst others) one of the things that I needed to add to the house was a living room rug. Tick that one. I gave much consideration to the rug; whether to buy something that I really love or something cheap and cheerful to make-do with. Make-do won. So long as we have a muddy Border Collie coming and going, it makes little sense to buy something precious. SheContinue readingRapidly moving on…

Another Anniversary

Oh, dear, I do not do well with these resolutions to keep matters up to date, do I? When last I wrote here, it was a year since we first viewed the property – and made the immediate decision to commit to buying. Today presents another 1 year Anniversary, as it is 12 months since we actually took possession of the keys and moved in. Initially we only rented but we do tend to countContinue readingAnother Anniversary

A little shopping trip

We had to visit Limoges today to buy a spare part from a motorhome dealer. To make the journey worthwhile we did of course have to visit Grand Frais too but not before we called in at Gamm Vert. We were in search of a cat harness and in France it appears that the easiest way to find pet supplies is to visit a garden centre. Well, what a surprise – Gamm Vert is soContinue readingA little shopping trip

Those sausages

Those Thai sausages that I mentioned earlier? Well, they did not appear promising when unwrapped. However, they smelled fine and we elected to forge ahead. I popped them into the Air Fryer after Googling and establishing a guide of 180C for 15 minutes. No added fat and no pricking. After 5 minutes they were looking far more appealing, plump and juicy. After 10 minutes they had shrunk considerably. I thought perhaps enough was enough. InContinue readingThose sausages

It’s a blue one

We have been having a rare day today, cool, cloudy and just a little damp. I have been taking advantage of increased energy levels to rearrange the mess in the house and to clear up some kitchen leftovers. The Crooked Man and the Not-so-crooked-cat have been out to visit the vet. The vet agrees with us that Dusty is probably around 3 months old, perhaps a little less. Old enough anyway to have his injectionsContinue readingIt’s a blue one